Alexander Kurian

The Message From Mars Hill

The Message From Mars Hill

Paul’s gospel, like his theology, is God-centered. God is magnified and manifested in His Son. God and Christ work together. “Yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom are all things, and we exist for Him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all...

Disdain for Doctrine

Disdain for Doctrine

J. Gresham Machen, a brilliant conservative theologian of the last century lamented on the “modern hostility to doctrine.” It seems that we need to continue this lament today as there is a growing hostility to doctrine and theology. It is fashionable now among many assembly believers—including youth and even elders—to speak ill of doctrine. They […]

Practicing the Priesthood of All Believers

Practicing the Priesthood of All Believers

We consider the priesthood of all believers as one of the distinctives of our faith and endeavor to faithfully apply the doctrine in our assembly gatherings. Our open worship and remembrance meeting, the freedom in ministry, and the liberty to exercise one’s spiritual gifts are indeed a splendid demonstration of the grandeur of this precious […]