Christian Living

The Dangers of Disobedience

The Dangers of Disobedience

No one is above the Lord. His word authoritatively directs every kind of people, and the dead small and great will one day be judged based on their response to it (Mt. 12:36; Jn. 5:24-30; Rev. 20:11-15). Even notable public figures are responsible to obey Him. 1 Kings 12-13 provide three incidents that show the […]

Knowing the Will of God

Knowing the Will of God

The late J. Christy Wilson was raised on the mission field in Persia, present day Iran. In the mid-1950’s, he and his wife became the first missionaries to Afghanistan. They had a valuable ministry with Mrs. Wilson developing braille for the Afghan language. She taught blind Afghan children and in a class of 17 students, […]

Walking with God

Walking with God

In biblical and modern history, a few brave souls have chosen to walk with the Almighty. Meeting people like this can make a lasting impact upon us. Enoch was one. The Bible says, “Enoch walked with God three hundred years.”1 He did not take a few steps and then turn...

Pitfalls in Parenting

Pitfalls in Parenting

Parenting is no easy task and the Bible gives no guarantees of the outcome. Prov. 22:6 is a proverb, not a promise. Experientially, all of us know many that have not gone on for the Lord. There is no easy answer to this reality, most of us know of families where one or more children […]

Daniel’s Story

Daniel’s Story

The declaration, “Your son won’t live through the night” stung like an arrow piercing our very souls. I had a healthy pregnancy – or so I thought. No one detected a heart murmur and definitely not a fatal one. How could this be? As Jay and I listened to the Emergency Room doctor’s excruciatingly painful […]

Do We Care?

Do We Care?

An Exhortation For Each One To Reach One (And More!) “Do the work of an evangelist…” He wrote the note. He locked his door. As he walked down 14th Street, heading to the East River, he came across a small group of people gathered listening to someone painting and talking. With his interest peaked, he […]

The Ministry of Song Leading

The Ministry of Song Leading

As Richard walked into the chapel on a snowy Sunday morning, he was reminded by a brother that he was scheduled to lead the singing. “I completely forgot!” he said. He quickly sat down and thumbed through the hymnal to find a few of his favorite songs. The piano player sat down at 11:03 and […]

Are You Cross Eyed?

Are You Cross Eyed?

Most likely we all heard as children, “If you cross your eyes, they’ll stick!” Though this perception is false, the medical condition of being cross-eyed is called Strabismus. It occurs when the eyes are unable to focus on the same object and maintain proper alignment. While this is not a desired condition in the physical […]

How To Deal With Criticism

How To Deal With Criticism

One of the greatest tests in the Christian life is how to respond to criticism. If you are going to be a leader, then criticism is part of the job description. There is no such thing as going forward for God without opposition. Moses faced criticism, John the Baptist faced criticism, and our Lord Jesus […]

It’s Time We Faced The Facts: Why is the Church Powerless?

It’s Time We Faced The Facts: Why is the Church Powerless?

Spiritually we are in a shocking condition. The status of many local fellowships is bad news, and deteriorating by the minute. It is fairly well known that there have been scandalous cases of immorality involving even elders and full-time workers. Of course this type of news never gets into the magazines; there everything is sweetness […]

Moving Beyond Mediocrity

Moving Beyond Mediocrity

The scene is a far too familiar one: the regularly scheduled elders’ meeting begins with a brief, but generalized, time of prayer. It is then followed by the usual routine of going around the table, asking each elder what he would like to discuss. The suggestions usually range from the urgent to the trivial – […]

True Greatness

True Greatness

“Whosoever will be great among you, let him be your servant; and whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave—” (Matthew 20:26-27NKJV). What is true greatness? In the kingdom of this world, the great man is the one who has risen to a place of wealth and power. He has a […]