March 2019 Edition

Doubtful Things (Part 1)

Doubtful Things (Part 1)

Throughout church history believers have asked, “should a Christian partake in this or that activity?” These questions concern gray areas, choices that believers make in their personal lives that Scripture does not call sin or specifically mention. In Romans 14 Paul compares a believer who was weak in the faith with one who was mature. […]

How Great Is Our God!

How Great Is Our God!

Human beings are clearly designed to enjoy the blessing of love, both by showing love and by being loved. If we felt totally unloved then we would wonder whether life was worth living. Love is very important to us and is expressed in the close relationships of marriage, family and friendship. Life loses a great […]

Reconciled and Rejoicing

Reconciled and Rejoicing

The Christian’s great source of rejoicing is God’s grace, which reconciles us to God. Reconciliation is when God brings sinful man into a perfect, eternal, and harmonious relationship with Himself. Paul writes to the Romans, contrasting man’s attempt to become righteous through his own efforts with God’s way of faith (Rom. 3:28). Righteousness is gained […]

The Dangers of Disobedience

The Dangers of Disobedience

No one is above the Lord. His word authoritatively directs every kind of people, and the dead small and great will one day be judged based on their response to it (Mt. 12:36; Jn. 5:24-30; Rev. 20:11-15). Even notable public figures are responsible to obey Him. 1 Kings 12-13 provide three incidents that show the […]

Our Saviour Lives! Mary at the Mercy Seat

Our Saviour Lives! Mary at the Mercy Seat

Mary Magdalene received the honor of being the first person the Lord appeared to after His resurrection. She was one of the women who followed the Lord Jesus as he went about His itinerant ministry. These women ministered to the Lord and His disciples out of their own substance (Lk. 8:3). Though Christ performed miracles […]

In His Likeness

In His Likeness

“And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.” 1 Cor. 15:49 One of the amazing things to me when perusing family portraits is the clear resemblance that children have to their parents. In many cases, it can be clearly seen that “the apple has […]